Wednesday, March 31, 2010

prints and propagation

from the garden. linaria..

TODAY we planted some tomatoes and eggplant, all gifts!!
started working on a giant painting.3ft x 3ft...

we'll see

Sunday, March 28, 2010

Saturday, March 27, 2010

Robin, among the ferns and fauns

fierce aloe-grapeivy-angel wing begonia experiment

purse garden update


more foxglove

nice shot---compost facilities,poultry manure, and champion composter!

very ornamental cabbage(bolting) and sum dusty miller


a little viola violet

snapdragons from the community garden flowerbed

more snaps and sum sweet williams

broccoli bolting--magnificent-- the bees are buzzin

broc and brit

just great

jardinero y patatas

ladybug baby

phlox and linaria nicely juxtaposed

sherbet pansy

the bounty for a day's harvest

the following meal

a mix of arugula-spinach-chard-

arugula blooms

gazania--i think its my new favorite flower


paper thin poppies

lady banks yellow and white variety

Lady Banks climbing rose-in the holistic garden

a little volunteer petunia

purple martins at home

the broccoli blooms up close

petunia and carrot

blooming tat-son(an Oriental green)

some artichoke now

canna lilies coming through the poppies

minuscule wild flowers in a pale blue wash

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

fragrant and brittle

a flash back of the park by our old house.
many hours spent simply roaming around in the shadows of silent cedar-
let me know that the little things in life are little.

.a view of k,brit,and i(plus others)--= celebrating what we dont have.

take away the flowers you gave me. the roses seem too real now that you're gone.